Wednesday, October 4

Victory or Defeat???

there has been so much going on in my personal life lately. it can be hard to not let things get me down....but heres what God has been showing me....we choose our own victory or defeat. my family tends to choose to walk in defeat. they let things come against them.....and God is showing me that just because they are walking in defeat...doesnt mean that i have to!! im walking in victory.....sometimes it feels like most of my world is crashing down on me....and yea..i could walk around depressed and pitty-ing (i made that word up) myself...but im not going ask? because.....people around me see whats going on.....and i want to glorify God even through trials....i want to glorify God in the good times and in the boyfriends dad preached sunday night and he said something *i've heard him say this before...not jus at the pulpit*...he said God is the same God at the top and the bottom of the mountain....and God keeps giving me this line..maybe i'll put it in a poem someday....circumstances change..God doesnt. regardless of what comes against God wont change...and nothing will separate me from him. the word says that nothing can separate us from the love of God. it also says that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.....and it also says that we are more than conquerers..through him who loved us. so yea..i know im very tired..but thats the shape of my heart tonight......i walk in sweet sweet victory...

1 comment:

amanda said...

you are so right! sometimes i find it easier to walk around in defeat rather than claiming the victory. i focus on what is happening around me rather than what i know to be true. i miss seeing you. =)